Saturday, November 3, 2012

It's August!

We had visitors in August!  It was great to see Linda & Phil as well as Rod, Kathy, Luke & Mark.  We also went to the Howard County Fair, Dutch Wonderland, and Elioaks.  August was also when Abby started Kindergarten.  :)  It was a busy  month!

We took Linda & Phil to the B&O Railroad Museum.  It has become one of our favorite places to take visitors.  Ben loves trains but it honestly is a cool place to visit. 

Maddy, doing what Maddy did best in August - chillaxin'

Riding the trains at the B&O

Standing outside of the RV that Rod & Kathy and the boys drove the whole way east then the whole way back west again.  Abby & Ben thought their "house on wheels" was the coolest thing. 

So we had Linda & Phil for a few days, then Rod & Kathy & boys for a few days, then Linda & Phil again.  Here we took Linda & Phil duckpin bowling!

I have many pictures of Abby & Ben posing with bowling balls.  Looks like this is another one of our favorite places to take people when they visit.  (I think Rod & Kathy, Luke & Mark, and Beth & Sarah have all been here...)

The kids posing with Linda & Phil...

Ahh...Dutch Wonderland.  Jo-Jo and Ben got the front seat on the train!

I really wanted to go down the slide with Ben but he HAD to choose his buddy, PaPaw.  Figures!  Next year I'm going even if I don't have a child to sit on my lap!

Ben became quite the ride fanatic.  He loves roller coasters!  Even the ones that is ALMOST too small for.  He had just ridden the biggest roller coaster at Dutch Wonderland and when we asked him if he enjoyed it he gave us a big thumbs up!

Riding the monster trucks!

Dutch Wonderland also has a water park attached to it.  Ben was not nearly as fond of the water rides as he was about the non-water rides.  

Abby on the other hand, loved the water rides - but not the non-water rides.  Funny.  

Now it is time for the Howard County Fair...

It was a dark and stormy night....but we went anyway.  Needless to say we played farmer...

Farmer Abby

played in the corn...

then ended up in the bingo hall b/c it dumped rain on us.  Not just a little bit of rain but it rained for a LONG time.  We ended up not waiting for it to be entirely over and then we went to get ice cream.  Ben was bummed that he didn't get to go on the rides but the ice cream seemed to make it a bit better....

Maddy's first picture with the dish and the spoon.  We have WAY too many of these pictures.

Ben in the boat at Elioaks.  He was the captain....

Amy & Abby were the passengers

Ben really wanted to go on a hayride and fortunately for him, Aunt Amy was willing to go along.  

Me and the kiddos posing in the maze of broken up pine trees.  

As you walk through the maze of broken up pine trees you got to play a game.  At the end of the game, you looked at a pattern on your fingers (trust me, it sounds strange but it was fun) to determine what  you are and what you are doing.  Amy is flying a kite, I think Abby was a cat and Ben was a frog.  Fun times!

This is Abby & Ben's car.  It is our little trampoline.  They loaded it up with their build-a-bears and bags filled with stuff and off they went!

Somewhere along the line they picked up Maddy.

Kindergarten Orientation which was the week before school actually began.  It was me and the 3 kids and we walked to school.  It is .7 miles and that walk was not tons of fun.  Now, though, over two months into school and walking to and from school everyday those kids are pros!  No one can say my kids don't get their exercise!

Abby posing with her "cubby".

Maddy, hanging out in the classroom.

We met Ben & Leah & Zack at the park that afternoon and Ben found a praying mantis.  Ben decided he wanted to have a staring contest with it and I do think that Ben won!

First day of School!  Oh what a day!  I was sad,  yet so proud, yet so sad at the same time!  She did great and still loves it!

Ben had almost as hard of a time letter her go as I did!

What do we do to nurse the sadness of our daughter/big sister going away to Kindergarten?   We meet friends who are doing the same thing for breakfast and drown our sorrows in chocolate milk.  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sit back and get comfortable....It's the month of July

Maddy chillin' with her Great-Grandpa

Happy birthday Uncle Danny!

With the blessing of Maddy's pediatrician, I took her to a Sarah MacLaughlin/National Symphony Orchestra concert.  She wore protective ear-wear and seemed to enjoy herself.  She basically slept the whole time...

Aunt Amy was there too - and OUR friend Kelly.  :)

The glorious beach.  We went in the evening the first night this year.  It was a bit chilly but no one seemed to mind - at least the kids didn't!

Maddy enjoyed herself as well.  She ended up loving being in Ocean City.  
We are outside alot and outside makes her happy!

PaPaw played in the waves with Abby & Ben a good bit.  This one knocked Ben down!  (they were sitting)

And we are ready to take another one!

Buried up to his neck!  (He was sitting on the sand though not standing)

Abby got buried as well

 Maddy slept - in a tent

Cuddling and warming up with PaPaw

Abby got her hair wrapped again this year.  She was just a bit excited!  

Some of us like the boardwalk (me) others don't so much (Jeff).  
Therefore, let there be game night!  I think the guys and kids were grateful for a reason to stay in.

Our little musician!

And the artists.  There is a great shop "downtown" Ocean City where you buy an inexpensive piece of wooden something and the kids can paint it.  We do this each year and they love it!

Super Ben!  

Maddy, laying on the couch getting ready to go on the boardwalk...

So stylin'!  Gotta love the sunglasses - and the bow. 

Their first time riding the merry-go-round without any adult.  
They did great!  (Read: no one fell off!)

Maddy's first ride ever.  It was a train that went about 3 MPH around other rides.  
She didn't like it - at first.

But everyone else did!  
Ben & Jo-Jo

Grandma & Abby

MaMaw & Aunt Amy

Then things got better.  

BTW...where was Aunt Kelli?

Getting a piggy back ride on Aunt Amy's back

Our little copy cat - Ben, not Kelli

Hanging on the railing in OCNJ!

So, one day, the boys set up our chairs on the beach and this other family, having half of the beach to spread out their stuff decided to put their blankets almost on top of ours.  Therefore, a solution to that problem was born - make large sand structures directly in front of our towels.  This was day 1 I believe.    And building large structures they did.  In this picture, Ben was not happy - notice his pout.  

Then he perked up!

Splashing in the waves again!

Life is good!

And then there were the Baywatch girls.  All of the rest of us ladies had put on black bathing suits - apparently, Lacy did not get the memo and she wore red.  She asked the lifeguards if she could borrow the life preserver and viola!  

Just lookin' cute in her beach hat!

I love pictures of Ben running - not sure why but it just seems cute to me!

Precious face...

This is another of the giant sand structures.  I think they liked this one the best.

Mom & Dad and their crew...

Just the 5 of us...

Jeff & I always take the kids on the ferris wheel the last night at the beach.  Maddy is just a bit to young yet so Dad held her for us. I  zoomed in and took this picture from way up.  Love it!

Daddy & Ben on the ferris wheel

Mommy & Abby on the ferris wheel

This marks the end of the beach pictures....

Ben and his "buddy" hanging out at a family reunion at Uncle June's house

Maddy meeting her great-great aunt Theda.  Very cool...

What can we say?  
The boy loves corn!

We have a great new nature center nearby.  We visited it with friends Erin, Marcelo, & Brian as well as others who are not in the picture.

Abby & Maya picking lovely flowers.  Hope the nature center people are okay with that.  
(Being that they are weeds I doubt we will get into any trouble).

After the nature center, we went to the pool with the triplets and their family.  

Maya, Abby, Gabriel, Ben & Marcelo splashing around having a great time!

Soaking wet but happy girl!

Running through the water but dodging it at the same time.  

Maddy getting her first kiss from Andres, the triplets brother. 

Such a cool pool

Ben, Abby & Maya

Time to paint!

Happy birthday to me!  So happy with all of my babies around me (not to mention Jeff, my parents, grandparents, aunt, and some cousins).  I felt very loved...

This next picture can be a bit gross so brace yourself...

For those of you who have not heard - Ben fell back off of a kiddie rocking chair and hit his head on the fireplace.  Ouch.  He ended up in the ER and got 4 staples!  This is the best picture I could get!  He was a trooper and got a new Spiderman toy to show for it!  Excellent Dr's and nurses in the ER did an excellent repair job on my grateful for them and the work they do!  

The End