Monday, July 16, 2012

May - I figured it is about time...

Here begins the blog for all THREE of my children.  I should do June soon because Maddy is so much bigger now!  Oh well, I will get to it!  Enjoy!

This year there was soccer for both Abby & Ben.  They both had a great time and did quite well!

I had Maddy on a Monday and the Friday before Abby had a field trip!  Couldn't miss that!  I got to hold a baby goat that was only 5 days old.  So incredibly soft. 

As is our "tradition" we made Kathy rolls the day before having Maddy.  Abby and Ben like to make Kathy rolls.  

And then there were five....  The kids were SO excited.  Well, Abby was.  Ben said, "I wanted a boy!  I don't like girls!"  He got over that and loves his sister very much. 

Holding Madelyn - with big smiles

All bundled up and ready to go home!  Dressed in the outfit that Abby picked out for her and wrapped up in the blanket that Ben chose.  

Abby showing off her art skills at the end of the school year art show

Maddy enjoying tummy time.  

First bath - needless-to-say, she didn't like it.

I had to get out of the house so we went for a walk to our duck pond.  It wasn't far and the kids rode their bikes with Daddy & PaPaw while MaMaw & I walked a bit with Maddy and then sat down. 

So tiny!  Not so much anymore...

PaPaw was here so of course the cars got washed. 

Last month we had Abby's last check to preschool and in May we paid Ben's first one...ugh

Preschool graduation!

Abby with Ms. Judy and Ms. Linda - her teachers.  

Abby with her BFF's - Maya & Grace.  These girls have been friends for more than half of their lives!  They are going to miss each other next year. 

In the classroom

With Mommy & Daddy on her last day of preschool.  So sad but, believe it or not, I didn't cry!

Future classmates.  Andres is Abby's friend Maya's baby brother.  He is 4 months older than Maddy and will be in preschool together in 2 years.  

A sweet treat after preschool graduation!  

This is what Maddy did during soccer practice.  It was hot but she was happy!

She grew to like bath much better!  

And even didn't mind being wrapped up in a robe afterwards!

1 comment:

  1. It's cool to see pictures of the older siblings holding Maddy.
