Sunday, January 13, 2013


The first bites of Food!  (Yum!)   She liked it and didn't even make all that much of a mess!

Abby fed her...

So did Ben....

Dressing up in our playclothes bin.  

We went to the fire station for an open house and the kids got to check out an ambulance and a fire truck.  See the jaws of life and many other things.  

Here the kids are with Sparky the Fire Dog...

Maddy sportin' The Lehman Center wear...

We had SO many leaves again, of course.  The kids really enjoyed playing in them - well Maddy didn't but the other two did.  The noise was a bit much for her I think.  

She much preferred to hang out with Daddy at a safe distance from those evil leaves!

And the swing....she loves her swing. 

We went to the Camp Eder Fall Festival.  We met Tom, Cyndi, Maura & Bella there this year.  
The kids got their faces painted...

And made candles...



Our dragon, our butterfly, and our Masquerade Girl

So, a hurricane is coming - a REALLY big one.  So, what is the best thing to do?  Head to Cape May, New Jersey (which is where the hurricane is predicted to make landfall) and climb a light house that is right on the water!  It was windy!

But we made it!  

Then we went to the beach and picked up cool stones.  

Then, we went home and cuddled on the couch - well, some of us did.  

Maddy, enjoying her toys. 

So cute!

Bath time!  And she has bubbles on her nose!

Posing at Abby's school - fun day for all of us!

Costume #2 - a sleepy lion...

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