Saturday, January 5, 2013


So sorry!  The kids have changed so much since September!

So, we needed wall art...

So we had the kids make some!

Viola!  Please place your orders early as supplies (any and all leftover paint from our house) are limited!

Ben's first day of school!  We dropped off Abby first though so we took some sibling pictures on her walk. 

All three of them - happy and smiling!

Here we are!  The first day!

He was not hesitant at all and eagerly found his name!

We made cupcakes though since it is January, I can't remember the occasion!  So terrible!  Either way, the cupcakes were good and Ben, being Ben, loved the icing!  It's on his nose!

Movie Night!  This chair makes Maddy look so small!

Abby & Ben in their seats.  When we are having movie night there is no room for anyone else on the couch!

Doing a craft project at Lowe's.  The kids got to hammer in nails with these great kid - sized hammers. 

and in the end they had....

their very own fire trucks!


....are SO frustrating!

Playing on the playground at school.  

It's Fiesta day!  We had a pinata and everything!  

Abby swung...

Ben swung...
(I love this picture b/c his eyes are closed and it looks like Jeff is running away from him)

In the end, Uncle Danny broke the pinata.  But even Maddy was intrigued by it.

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