Thursday, July 4, 2013


Our Soccer Star!

Ben's class took a trip to Elioak's.  It was Maddy's first time there - she wanted down but it is a petting zoo and I wasn't going to have her crawl around too much...

In that cage is a rabbit - named Benjamin

My little Spiders crawling around on the net "web"

Maddy turned one this month so we had a party, of course.  Here is Ben with Gavin & Connor...

And Abby with Grace & Bella...

Maddy and her fans as she gets ready to eat cake.

The papparazzi...

Gimme gimme gimme

Forget this finger stuff I'm going at it with my whole face!

Mmmm....that was tasty!

Abby & Ben gave her a box of tissues to pull out.  She LOVED that!

Ben finished his first year of preschool!  They have an art show at the preschool - this is Ben posing with one of his "better" pieces.  :)

The preschool "alumni" handed out ice cream to everyone.  It was chaotic cuteness!

Blowing bubbles...

Super Ben!

This was Ben's official last day of school.  Here he is with 'lil Abby

and his teachers, Ms. Diane & Ms. Angie.

On the last day of school we started a tradition that we go to Rita's BEFORE lunch.  It was not a warm day, obviously, however, when you make a promise to a 4 year old (especially for ice cream)....

I am so lucky to have a family of super heros!

Maddy's first S'more.  I think she liked it.

Gavin driving Maddy around the yard.  (I don't think they really drove around much don't worry).





The girls waiting on Ben to finish.  

This is Coach Yevgenny.  He had Abby in soccer a few years ago and Ben this year.  We figure he will probably have Maddy in a few years as well!

At the library looking at books!

Ben too!

Climbing on the train chair at the library

Monkey see...monkey do....

Though it is much more acceptable for a shoeless 1 year old to do this.

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