Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Lots of pictures in April!  Get comfortable!

Our trip to SoCal continued into April and we did ALOT of fun things this time!  
This picture is on a boat when we went whale watching with Linda and Lucile. 
Apparently we were in the presence of a blue whale - the largest mammal out there.  But, of course, I didn't see it.  Too bad because I will probably never go whale watching agin as I got sick to my stomach for about 2 hours of the 2 1/2 hour trip.  

This picture was taken before I got sick.  

Cuddling with Daddy...

Morning cuddles!

Ben doesn't cuddle.  He gets up and plays.  

We took the kids to the LaBrea Tar Pits.  Very cool for them.  
Here they are posing with a giant sloth.  How many places can you do that? 

I don't know what this is...

In the Page Museum they posed with the skeleton of a wooly mammoth.  Big creatures they were!

This was down near the tar pits as well at a museum (not the Page but another one).  Can any of you Californians tell me which museum is there?  I can't remember.  

We went to the beach with Rod & Kathy, Luke & Mark, and Elizabeth.  It was windy and chilly but the kids had a blast!

Ben was pretending to be a plow or an excavator or something!  

Maddy loved the beach!


And posing with Elizabeth

Laying in the sand

They had a playset on the beach.  

And then we went to Disney the next day.....When I asked Abby if it was as magical as they say it is she said it absolutely was!  Made the long day - 9am to 11pm worth it!

Hanging out on Donald's boat!

Maddy sitting in Mickey's chair - in his house!

Posing with Mickey!

Ben driving Goofy's car!

And Goofy stopped by for a picture!

We went into the It's a Small World Ride and Maddy rode the whole thing with her mouth open.  
She LOVED it!

Oh and did she love the merry-go-round!  I had to ungrip her hands when 
it was time to get off.  She cried!  

Posing with Rapunzel & Flynn Rider

We all had to get in there!

The kids and Jeff rode the Dumbo ride.  We just had too!  
It wouldn't have been a trip to Disney if we didn't!

The parade fascinated the kids!  She just stared...

So did he....

Even this one was in awe!

Then we got ice cream!  

Disney might just be the happiest place on earth!

Meeting Snow White

Cinderella is Abby's favorite princess.  Just look at her hands!  
She is grinning from ear to ear just staring at her!

Look at that smile!

And meeting Aurora (Sleeping Beauty for those who didn't know she had a name). 

Abby was the only one awake as we left the park so she got her picture taken with Pluto!

Coloring in the sunshine

Riding an old bike - maybe it was Uncle Rod's?  

Hanging with Grandma

Maddy thinking she is big stuff because she is playing with big sister's barbie house...

Our first trip to the garden at the library.  

Elioaks with our friends:  Cienna, Calissa, Abby & Ben

Riding the horse

Ben did it too!

Just hanging out and chatting on the log table and chairs.

Maddy's first picture in the whale's mouth at Elioaks!

Hay ride - with no hay!  Guess that makes it a tractor ride!

Moving mulch with Daddy!

How ever could he have done it without their help!

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