Friday, April 26, 2013 April

Ok.  I'm going to try to catch up - or at least start the process.  Here is December!

So cute!  I may have "helped" Abby's left arm rest on Ben.  But that is all.  

And we have one less tooth!  

These two are just destined to be best friends!  They dress alike at 7 months and 1 month!  Amazing!

Visiting Santa at the mall.

Baths with big sister are the best!

Abby made a gingerbread house at school.  We ate some of it but not all of it.  (Yuck!)

Ben's Christmas program at his preschool.  This is his class - he is the second from the left.  

He looks so young here!  All dressed up (after the program with his shirt untucked)!

We have an amazing volunteer fire station in Ellicott City.  Santa and Mrs. Clause gets pulled through the different neighborhoods in a sleigh - pulled by an emergency vehicle and led by a fire truck.  The kids were in their glory!

The kids all decked out in their puma track suits.  Thanks Aunt Jo-Jo!  

Santa also visited us at great-grandma and great- grandpas house on Christmas Eve.  He didn't have long to stay as it is a very busy night for him.  But he did pop in with a small gift for the kids.  

Ben was into it. 

Abby was into it. 

Maddy was not so much into it.  

She was terrified.  

But, of course, Jeff wasn't about to miss sitting on this particular Santa's lap.  (Uncle Danny did a great job...scaring the baby!)

Happy again!

Very happy children!

We got snow.  Well, they did in York.  So the kids built snowmen. 

Abby thinks their names are Sally and Sam.  (I really need to post this stuff closer to when the pics are taken)

Aargh!  Loves the $.99 pirate eye patch!

Santa made them happy this year.  Abby got her barbie dream house and Ben got his fire truck that shoots water! At some point I will remind him that it does this but only outside.

Our very own guitar hero!

Riding on her zebra!  She loves this toy!

What is she?  A bunny butterfly?  A bunny fairy princess?  Oh who am I kidding?  She's just cute! 

We celebrated the New Year with our good friends the Kim's.  Here are all of the children (minus Maddy).  Caris, Calissa, Ben, Abby, & Cienna.  Happy New Year!

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