Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So, March has a beginning and an end in pictures - just no middle.  The first picture is from March 2nd the rest are from the last three days of the month.  Oops!

Our yearly visit with Clifford!  So fun with Maddy there this year!  
She seemed impressed by this huge red dog!

On the plane on the way to California.  Maddy didn't have her own seat but I did seatbelt her in while I got organized.  She liked that.  

She and Ben also liked having some time together.  
They were both laughing!  (I love these pictures)

Grandma's playhouse!  Grandma cleaned it out for the kids which was wonderful.  They enjoyed organizing it one morning.  Why do I think that it will still look like this when we come back....

Ben had to wash the dishes before putting them away.  

Easter Sunday!  We got our picture taken with our good friend Dorothy Baron.  She is a special lady at the Glendale COB.  

Our Easter Sunday best...

Hunting for Easter Eggs in Grandma's backyard - gotta love sunny warm Southern California!

There is one on the fountain!  Got it!

Aunt Kathy helping Ben find eggs.  It is a very serious task. 

Then we went to the park.  Maddy loves the slides!

Hanging by the rock wall...

Aunt Kathy making Maddy laugh!

The night before Easter (oops!  Things got out of order) the family got together to celebrate 
Michael & Sarah getting married the weekend before.  It was an awesome excuse to get together!  Such a happy event!  

Here Michael is enjoying some quality time with Maddy!  He certainly made her happy!

Some of the cousins playing garbage on the floor.  (Thanks for teaching our family this game Bella!)

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