Sunday, April 28, 2013


Out comes front tooth #2!

Abby's school had a masquerade ball.  It was an absolute blast!  The kids had a great time!  
Next year though, I am not waiting until the last song to start dancing!  :)

A beautiful day at the park!

Maddy got dedicated in January!  Almost the whole family was there!  

Happy birthday Ben!  We went to the farm show on Ben's birthday this year so we had to celebrate with Daddy at breakfast time!  Frozen yogurt with sprinkles for breakfast!  That was a fun treat!

Riding the bus to the farm show!  She's hot stuff!  

Oh and these two!  If you want to make them happy put them on a school bus for 5 minutes!  

They had a butterfly house at the farm show which was very cool.  Abby and Ben enjoyed "catching" the butterflies on q-tips soaked in sugar water.  

Ben caught this one - then I think one landed on his head and he promptly freaked out!  That was the beginning of the end of the butterfly house for Ben. 

Dad on the other hand was catching them on his head and enjoying it!

Riding - well sitting on - a tractor!

Ben had to get on it as well. 

Happy birthday Ben!  

Playing outside.  Maddy is happiest when she is with Abby & Ben. 

Look at me!

We took the kids to Port Discovery and had such a great time!  
Maddy loved being strapped to her Daddy!

Watching how the water table tool works. 

Encasing herself in a giant bubble.  It didn't quite make it the whole way up 
but it did go up a good bit of the way.

Maddy loved the baby room.  She enjoyed playing with her "mirror image" playmate.  
It was super cute!

And this is what happens when you have older siblings I guess.  
Poor Maddy - on the other hand she seems happy.  

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